Hi All,
Thanks to everyone who have been attending the zoom sessions, its been lovely to be able to stay in contact with you all even though its different, its great to learn new things and new ways to stay in touch.
However for those who can't attend
I will be posting our weekly sessions so everyone can keep up to date with what we have been doing each week.
(Tuesday 16th Feb 21 workout)
Start with a good warm up just like we do at training
Aim to complete the exercises below
Start with 30 secs work and 30 secs rest increase work times and decrease rest times according to your fitness levels,
You will note I have alternated times below according to the level of those who attended todays session.
Exercise work time Rest time Equipment Teaching point
Side burpees 60 secs 60 secs Mat on floor Knees to each side
head still core tight
Front high leg kicks 30 secs 30 secs Mat on floor Kick to waist high
arms still legs straight
Tricep dips 60 secs 60 secs Chair or stairs Dip down to 90 %
hands facing forward
Running men 30 secs 30 secs Mat on floor Core tight head back
still alt knees to chest
Push ups 60 secs 60 secs Mat on floor 3/4 or full out shoulders
square lower to 90%
Start with one set of all the exercises
Increase this to two three or four sets of all the exercises, as and when you feel able to do so, only do this over time as each set becomes easier.
Remember to perform with correct technique and record your work in your training diaries.
Always stretch following exercise to avoid the risk of muscle soreness just like we do at training.
Floor routine
Practice your floor routines holding each skill for 3 seconds
Ask a fiend or family member to video you , so you can look back to check your technique
using a wall in a clear area practice your handstands with tummy up against the wall and legs together toes pointed and head in line and still. stay tight so not to loose good shape.
hold for 10 secs and repeat x 5 return down safely and slowly.
Practice your splits for 5 mins on each leg and also your box splits, make a line on the floor to help you stay straight.
With your chosen teammate from gym have a go at putting together a 30 second video of arm or foot pattern choreography , with your parents permission, then ask your parents to send it to me via WhatsApp for feedback.
Keep a record of your work , measure your progress along the way
Work hard see results enjoy xx