Hi Everyone,
It is such good news that we can now finally return to training more frequently,
Firstly I want to thank everyone for all the support and loyalty over the passed 15 months, it has been a very strange time but one from which we can all learn a lot about.
I would like to draw your attention to the new class schedule which can be found on the class schedule page of this website.
For peace of mind, health and hygiene we shall still be continuing to clean equipment after the end of our daily sessions, we will also continue to ask all members to sanitise upon entry and again when leaving club.
We will follow government guidelines
Social distancing where possible will remain as it has not caused any issues therefore other than when needed to support a gymnasts for safety in coaching reasons we will be operating with Covid- 19 rules.
Please revisit our safe code of practice to remind you of the procedures.
For all other questions or enquiries please contact Kandy Sissons via our contact page.
Thank you