Hello to all,
I am so very pleased to announce our long awaited return to indoor training, thank you to everyone who has supported the club through very strange and tough times.
Our return will start from the week beginning 14th September 2020
What you all need to do is
Read the club return to training letter
Read the club safe code of practice which explains everything you need to know for a safe return to training. The safety and well being of all our members is the most important factor as we want everyone to return and continue to enjoy training.
Please note in view of the Covid - 19 situation
It has been necessary to increase our prices for all classes, this is to take into account the restriction in numbers allowed to train at any one time and also allowing us to socially distance gymnasts appropriately.
The implementation of extra safety measures to keep everyone safe whilst training along with all other resources required to assist gymnasts in the new normal routine.
We have put together a video demonstrating what to expect and how to proceed as well as demonstrating the one way system operation in place at the leisure centre.
The video can be found along with the club return to training letter and our safe code of practice on the new designated covid page.
to view our temporary price list which we hope to reduce as things return to a bit more normality can be found on our Uniform & Fees page.